Power hopes rise at Japan planT

Key points

  1. Engineers have connected power lines to cooling systems at the Fukushima nuclear plant and are expected to turn on the electricity on Sunday. Firefighters have continued to spray water in a desperate attempt to avert a meltdown
  2. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says tests on milk and spinach from prefectures around the nuclear plant say they contain levels of radiation that exceed safety standards - but adds they still pose no serious threat to human health
  3. Japan raised the accident level at the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant from four to five on a seven-point international danger scale for atomic accidents
  4. The confirmed death toll from the disaster has risen to 7,348 and 10,947 people are listed as missing
  5. Live page reporters: Samanthi Dissanayake, Becky Branford, Simon Fraser, Clare Lyons and Matthew Davis
  6. All times in GMT

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